Meet the Mandate with Immersion Cooling

ETL’s Net Carbon Framework makes it faster and simpler than ever to bring GRC’s transformative immersion cooling technology to your data centre, enabling it to operate less expensively, at a higher efficiency, and much greener — well before 2050.

Let’s Talk!

Take the next step in learning how immersion cooling can help your organisation attain simpler, more flexible & sustainable data centre operations, while rapidly responding to compute needs on demand.

Contact Miguel Pascual about partnering with GRC:

Miguel Pascual
Business Development
Call: +34.650.139.915

Meet: Schedule an Appointment

Or, complete the form below and Miguel will reach out to you:

Discover the Benefits of Immersion Cooling 

Enhance your data center operations with game-changing immersion cooling – and deliver more efficient services to your constituents for less.

  • Reduce Carbon Emissions by Up to 20%
  • Save 50% on Your Energy Bill and Attain a PUE of <1.03
  • Easily Integrate High-Density Apps into Your Operation
  • Reduce CAPEX by Adding Compute Only as You Need It
  • Double Your Compute Within the Same Power Envelope
  • Realize Less Maintenance, Plus a Longer Hardware Lifespan
  • Leverage Go-Anywhere Flexibility with No Special Building Requirements

Case Study

Read how GRC helped Vienna Scientific Cluster Reach Extreme Efficiency with Zero Water Use


Data Center Sustainability Metrics with GRC’s ICEraQ® – Going Beyond the Traditional Data Center

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Green Revolution Cooling, Inc. (“GRC”) believes this information to be accurate; however, GRC does not make any representation or warranty, express or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of any such information and shall have no liability for the consequences of the use of such information.