
GRC and Intel: Partnering for a Cooler Tomorrow

Submitted by Gregg Primm, VP of Marketing
On: November 30, 2021 Comments: 0
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Several factors are making immersion cooling an inevitable solution for data centers hoping to thrive amid the new IT realities.

Power density trends are pushing air cooling beyond is thermodynamic limits. The rise of edge computing has I & O professionals scrambling to find cooling solutions that work well in remote, often harsh environments. And sustainability has become a worldwide concern as companies seek to reduce energy usage, energy waste, and limit their impact on the environment.

See What the Future has in Store — Watch Our Video

GRC is proud to partner with Intel® and other trusted industry-leaders to address these challenges. Watch the video below and you’ll hear from Mohan J. Kumar, Intel’s Data Platform Group Fellow, and GRC’s CEO Peter Poulin. They’ll discuss how, working together, the two technology innovators are striving to perfect the entire immersion cooling ecosystem in terms of fluid compatibility, native server design, energy usage, and more.

Experience What Immersion Cooling Can Do for Your Data Center

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